RWAs stand up to help the needy

RWAs stand up to help the needy
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  • 162
  • Oct 07 2020
  • by GCI Desk

Tough times are not permanent, but good work done during the crisis shall remain in the memory of people always. There have been many initiatives by the Resident Welfare Associations across the country to reach out to the needy. Some of the Societies were proactive to set up their own Covid care centers for the asymptomatic patients. 

The government acknowledged the work of the residents by issuing an elaborate guideline and giving the RWA Covid care centres legitimacy and legal protection. 

There have also been instances of Societies going out of their ways and distributing goods and essential items to the underprivileged in the neighbourhood. 

We wish to record the good work executed by the residents of the Indraprastha Extension area. We were approached by our reader Nalini Gupta to tell us about the event organised by Indraprastha Agarwal Samaj and IPEX Bhawan Welfare Society. Green Clean India puts on record our gratitude for the sharing of the details of the event as an inspiration for other readers. 

The function organised as a cultural programme at IP Extension in East Delhi was dedicated to underprivileged children and families of the neighborhood clusters. The function was a celebration of sharing. 

The idea of organising was conceptualized because it was a common opinion among the Society residents that they all have goods of daily need which can be easily shared and it should be coupled with the activity of children to make them understand the importance of caring. 

The event saw underprivileged families being handed over useful items by the society members. The programme was attended by social workers and representatives of various societies in Indraprastha Extension.

SHO Madhu Vihar Rajeev Kumar was also present on the occasion as the guest. The event began with the welcome note delivered by Sunil Goel, the head of the Indraprastha Agarwal Samaj. The chief guest of the programme was Rajeev Gupta, who also heads Nirmala Gupta Foundation. President of the society Suresh Bindal moderated the event and encouraged the participants.

The current crisis has forced us all to change our ways and our thinking and sharing and caring for the underprivileged around us is certainly a way forward to create a better world. 

RWAs show the way 

Apart from charity activities, we have received several initiatives taken up within the society in the current times which Green Clean India team has listed here for all to read. These are small but substantial acts of self-help and kindness by the RWA and its office bearers which has helped the residents beyond measure. 

  1. Helping with the newspapers. 

When the lockdown first happened, the earliest casualty was the newspaper supply. Many residents abruptly stopped their newspaper fearing an infection. While scientific studies had suggested no clear chances of an infection through newspapers, the problem persisted. The lack of supply impacted the daily schedule of many residents who were in a habit of reading morning newspapers. 

Green Clean India have received several letters claiming the special arrangements made by the RWAs to deliver newspapers to their homes. 

The Society in most cases was divided in the decision, but the RWAs persisted to ensure that the newspaper reached the residents who wanted it. 

  1. Comfort to residents

Many residents after over a month's lockdown complained of feeling uncomfortable inside homes and as society members were advised to not use the neighborhood parks in accordance with lockdown regulations, the problem became terrible with time. RWAs were hesitant to allow their own parks to be used as they feared overcrowding. But there were also initiatives in which residents were allowed to take a walk inside in accordance with basic precautions. Masks and social distancing were made mandatory.  Security guards were provided with extra supply of masks to provide to members if they need. 

  1. Doorstep delivery 

Deliveries to doorsteps were stopped and people were hesitant to come out for their needs. Green Clean India have received details in which RWAs provided extra workforce to deliver essential commodities to residents on their doorstep. 

  1. Special care for the elderly

One of the urgent needs during the Covid time was the supply of medicines to the elderly people living alone. The RWAs have made special arrangements with the medical stories to send the prescriptions online and get delivered the medical supply to the needy on time. 

Medical bodies have said that Corona is here to stay. If the virus is here to stay, then we all will have to train ourselves to live with it. The best way to live in these times to live with mutual care and support. Green Clean India invites readers to write to us about such initiatives in your Society. Our team would be happy to visit the localities to learn the best practices and tell it to the world. You can write to us at



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