All About Smoking in Housing Socities

All About Smoking in Housing Socities
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  • 132
  • Apr 18 2022
  • by GCI DESK

All About Smoking Housing Societies
Smoking ? one of the most controversial topics in our society. According to a report, almost 11% of Indians smoke regularly, which impacts their health and results in severe health issues such as cancer, lung damage, respiratory problems, organ failure, etc. On average, people who smoke die ten years early from their actual death. Not only does it affect the person who smokes, but the people living around are also prone to health problems. Therefore, smoking should be banned in public areas, including housing societies.

The Smoke Battle: Should It Be Banned in Housing Societies or Not?

Let’s face the fact ? that we have researched many studies just to find the answer to the most controversial topic worldwide. According to the study, smoking can offer limited health benefits. It can confer a small degree of protection against some diseases and conditions. In most cases, it is found that it is the best stress reliever. Smokers and smoking aren’t always bad. A home is where people relax and indulge in personal pleasure. Smoking is pleasing for some people, and they smoke to release their stress. But what when it disturbs your family and neighbours? Passive smoking is almost hazardous. Is it really nice to take away someone’s relaxation as a good neighbour? We all have different kinds of stress in modern life, and smoking in apartments or housing societies means disturbing one’s personal life.

It is concluded that smoking is not bad if done in a smoker's zone and moderation.

This article will discuss out of the box ideas to make coexistence between smokers and nonsmokers possible. Also, we will explain the health risks of smoking that excessive smoking causes to both smokers and passive smokers.

What Are Housing Societies Doing For The Coexistence of Smokers and Nonsmokers?

We at Green Clean India acknowledge the health benefits of moderate smoking. Therefore, we are taking the initiative for the coexistence of smokers and nonsmokers. Here is what housing societies are performing to promote healthy lifestyles in gated communities.

Smoking Rooms
While recognising the healing properties of smoking and taking increasing pollution in metro cities into consideration, housing societies are creating smoking zones for the smokers designed with proper ventilation, dedicated bins to throw the cigarette stubs and ashes in. And these smoking zones are on higher levels such as terraces or at the outer parts of the living areas so that there are less chances of smoke to travel inside or downwards.

Modified Ventilation
Air sealing and modification to ventilations can reduce the smoke. Housing societies can install filters with a proper rating of smoke if asked by the residents. The filter will catch the smoke before it circulates into the living area. It is one of the best practices that housing societies are working on.

Sessions With Kids and Old Age Residents
There is endless evidence that chain-smoking and passive smoking both are health hazards. No matter how frequent you smoke and what precautions you take while smoking to eliminate the smoke drifts, we have to be alert all the time.

Having regular sessions with kids and old age people regarding the ill effects of passive smoking is what housing societies rely on these days. This will have better clearance of the smoking effects in the housing areas.

Reward For Quit Smoking
Smoking should be avoided in any case, no matter how good a stress reliever it is. There are some other ways to relieve stress, such as exercise, meditation, yoga, etc. Appreciate those who have quit smoking with small rewards. It will encourage others to do so.

Many housing societies are more creative than this and taking up a level. They are organizing smoke quitting programs to give residents hints to quit smoking.

Smoking is banned in public areas, but you can not stop anyone from smoking in their personal or dedicated places. While everyone has the right to use their private area to satisfy all their needs, everyone must ensure they are not spoiling one’s personal comfort and environment.

Effects Of Smoking On The Body and Environment

Smoking drifts pollutes the environment and leads to various health complications that can leave long-term effects on the body. While some affect diagnoses over several years, and a few are immediate. Learn more about how smoking affects the body in the following section.

Central Nervous System
One of the ingredients in cigarettes that improves mood is Nicotine. It reaches the brain in mere seconds and makes you feel more energised. But the effects do not last for long, and it makes you feel tired and crave more in another second. Nicotine is usually habit-forming, that’s why quitting smoking is difficult for some.

It can also cause physical problems such as anxiety, irritation and depression.

Respiratory System
When you smoke, you are inhaling a substance that is prone to your lungs. The smoke infects the lungs, and overtime infection increases. The people who smoke excessively are at higher risk of chronic diseases such as -

Lung cancer
Chronic bronchitis
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Cardiovascular System

Nicotine present in cigarettes causes blood vessels to tighten, which restricts blood flow. Smoking also increases blood pressure and weakens blood vessel walls. Together raise the risk of your stroke.
Digestive System
Smoke can damage the digestive system along with increasing the risk of mouth, throat, larynx and esophagus cancer.

Besides these health complications, smoking can cause sex, reproductive, skin, hair, and nails issues.

Green Clean India aims to provide a healthy lifestyle to the people and make our environment living-friendly. It connects with housing societies in order to help them improve their programs and introduce new ones in regard to a better living experience for residents.

If you have any ideas related to improving our environment or want to join us, feel free to contact us via email at .




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