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RWA(Residents Welfare Association)

I found this free and easy solution for Rainwater harvesting today and decided it to share with you all. Actually the related video was received in a Group. The video also shows this Whatsapp number for resolving any query 9323942388. Here is a link to another similar video on rainwater harvesting ....Read More

AAO(Association of Apartment Owners)

Tree uprooted in storm yesterday was replanted by residents/ Century Apartments Noida us the greenest society of Noida. We have planted about 500 trees and plants like Neem, Shisham, Mango, Chikoo, Imli, Banana, Papaya, Senjan, Jamun, Amla, Curry plant, and many more species. Yesterday, one of the neem trees was uprooted in storm. It has been replanted. Residents are contributing to same eco sy....Read More

AAO(Association of Apartment Owners)

Our society Century Apartments Noida consists of MIG flats constructed by Noida Authority. These days, with the advent of summer season, mosquitoes have increased a lot. So instead of waiting for the Noida Authority departments to perform their duty for fogging work, our society has taken initiative to do fogging of all over society daily. In this way, we have been able to provide a healthy env....Read More

AAO(Association of Apartment Owners)

We are happy to share that we have started Yoga classes in our Housing society Century apartments. Residents are happily participating in the activity. The Yoga classes take place in the park of our society. ....Read More

AAO(Association of Apartment Owners)

We are happy to share that the development of the park in our society was done by the help of Noida Authority. Shri. Induprakash Singh, OSD visited our society with our AOA members. He gave directions to the team for installing sea-saws and other playing equipment, installation of benches, construction of gazebo for the children and residents of our society. We are very thankful to him and to the....Read More

ESE (Environmentalist and Sustainability Enthusiast)

This is Anjana Bhagi, General Secretary, RWA, Sector 11, Noida. Dear fellow members of Housing societies, I would humbly like to share a video of mine on how do I manage Zero waste at my home. here is the link: Kindly watch. Thanks a lot. ....Read More

ESE (Environmentalist and Sustainability Enthusiast)

I am Anjana Bhagi, General Secretary, RWA, Noida, Sector 11. In Sector 11, years ago, the wells were dug in almost every park for water conservation. Very well, the heart was happy, boundary walls were built around those wells and they were covered with stones of the right size. Today is Water Conservation Day, so I am raising the problem once again. How the rain water will reach these wells....Read More

AOA (Apartment Owners Association)

Which gas is used as fuel in Gas generators?....Read More

AOA (Apartment Owners Association)

We have two DGs of 250 kVA in our housing society, which are used extensively during summer season. Since they use Diesel as fuel, they generate lot of pollution. We want to convert them to Gas Fuel. I will be grateful if anyone can suggest the procedure of converting these generators to gas. ....Read More

CGHS(Cooperative Group Housing Society)

We are a society of 1300 flats in Gurugram. We had three cases of theft in last 6 months in our society. We are planning to enhance the security of our Housing society by installing CCTV cameras. We have also changed our Security agency. Can somebody form Gurugram suggest us a good, efficient and professional Vendor, who can rightly assess, recommend and install Security cameras in the societ....Read More

RWA(Residents Welfare Association)

We are a large society with more than 1500 families residing. The society generates lots of waste of different type, like Garbage, e-waste, Horticulture waste, etc. We are looking for a single vendor in our area who has the capacity and capability to work with all kind of waste. We want him to help our residents for segregating waste at source and then collecting it. Similarly he should be able ....Read More

AOA (Apartment Owners Association)

We have 7 Underground tanks in out society with the capacity of 50,000 Litres each. Our society is located in Bengaluru where the moisture is always high. How often shall we get our tanks cleaned? Please suggest. ....Read More

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